Blog 1.5
A State Of Dreams
It has been about 2 month, since I had first started my high school experience. And for only 2 month, it's been a journey to say the least. Since late September my experience has only grown, I've learned to find something interesting to learn in each subject, giving me that hunger needed to get the best education. As for the book I started to read in September, I am half way through it, and I don't want to dive into what the book is about, but more so dive into one concept of the book that I would love to talk about. In the book, it talks of a utopian society, one where only 100 humans live, 50 male and 50 female. the concept is....dreams.The idea to have your own personal dreams, goals, ambitions. In the book, these people were created close to perfection, all coming down to one imperfection. Dreams, the one thing they lack, except for one characters, this one character understood the concept, but he only had those feelings of ambition and having goals and dreams, within his dreams. He speaks of them so wondrously, it is his drive to take those feelings and apply them into his waking life. An interesting concept. Seeing how the majority, I would say about 80 percent, even 90 percent of everything has a reason for it to be done, more so we have a reason to do everything. You take that reason away and it's just a bland motion through space and time. And these two month my goals have shifted, the slightest, but even the slightest shift can change your perspective. I guess I wish I could stay asleep forever, attain every goal I wanted and watch it repeat forever. Will it happen? maybe never, maybe so, maybe when my eyes close for good I'll dream one last time. And this is the emotion I feel that character in the book is going through, wanting to achieve his goals but not knowing how. The only ways of achieving them is through his dreams, the couple hours of sleep he gets throughout the day. These dreams driving him through his utopian, boring life style.
As a blogger my favorite post besides this one, had to have been the one I made on ethics. I find talking about morals and peoples views on that is probably one of the most interesting things to do.It can really give you an insight on how somebody's mind works, on their thinking process and the type of person they are. Did I do a good jobs on that blog? I guess I could've done better. One thing I can do to every blog coming after this one to make it more engaging, is probably.....make more connections to different things in the real world and books. Besides all that, there have been a couple of obstacles that have gotten in my way when it came to this whole blogging activity. But the biggest one, out of all of them, is procrastination. I procrastinate and throw things all to the last minute. then when I have it all to the last minute I can't handle it all and things never get done, or either they get done late. I guess one way I could solve that, it all ties back to the first portion of this blog, I can set goals for myself. Alongside that I should probably put my social media out of the way when doing hw. But I believe the best way to overcome any obstacle academically is to find a passion you love, and after thats done, whenever you're learning something or doing something, take whatever you're doing and evolve and build upon that passion. Tie it all back and make those connections. Have many passions, many dreams. Because these dreams are essential. You gotta have that passion, otherwise you won't have the drive to continue on. DrEAms , DREAMS , dreams , drEAms (:

A State Of Dreams
It has been about 2 month, since I had first started my high school experience. And for only 2 month, it's been a journey to say the least. Since late September my experience has only grown, I've learned to find something interesting to learn in each subject, giving me that hunger needed to get the best education. As for the book I started to read in September, I am half way through it, and I don't want to dive into what the book is about, but more so dive into one concept of the book that I would love to talk about. In the book, it talks of a utopian society, one where only 100 humans live, 50 male and 50 female. the concept is....dreams.The idea to have your own personal dreams, goals, ambitions. In the book, these people were created close to perfection, all coming down to one imperfection. Dreams, the one thing they lack, except for one characters, this one character understood the concept, but he only had those feelings of ambition and having goals and dreams, within his dreams. He speaks of them so wondrously, it is his drive to take those feelings and apply them into his waking life. An interesting concept. Seeing how the majority, I would say about 80 percent, even 90 percent of everything has a reason for it to be done, more so we have a reason to do everything. You take that reason away and it's just a bland motion through space and time. And these two month my goals have shifted, the slightest, but even the slightest shift can change your perspective. I guess I wish I could stay asleep forever, attain every goal I wanted and watch it repeat forever. Will it happen? maybe never, maybe so, maybe when my eyes close for good I'll dream one last time. And this is the emotion I feel that character in the book is going through, wanting to achieve his goals but not knowing how. The only ways of achieving them is through his dreams, the couple hours of sleep he gets throughout the day. These dreams driving him through his utopian, boring life style.
As a blogger my favorite post besides this one, had to have been the one I made on ethics. I find talking about morals and peoples views on that is probably one of the most interesting things to do.It can really give you an insight on how somebody's mind works, on their thinking process and the type of person they are. Did I do a good jobs on that blog? I guess I could've done better. One thing I can do to every blog coming after this one to make it more engaging, is probably.....make more connections to different things in the real world and books. Besides all that, there have been a couple of obstacles that have gotten in my way when it came to this whole blogging activity. But the biggest one, out of all of them, is procrastination. I procrastinate and throw things all to the last minute. then when I have it all to the last minute I can't handle it all and things never get done, or either they get done late. I guess one way I could solve that, it all ties back to the first portion of this blog, I can set goals for myself. Alongside that I should probably put my social media out of the way when doing hw. But I believe the best way to overcome any obstacle academically is to find a passion you love, and after thats done, whenever you're learning something or doing something, take whatever you're doing and evolve and build upon that passion. Tie it all back and make those connections. Have many passions, many dreams. Because these dreams are essential. You gotta have that passion, otherwise you won't have the drive to continue on. DrEAms , DREAMS , dreams , drEAms (:

Great work. Keep it up next quarter.